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Jonsered / chainbrake

We specialize in older jonsered chainsaws. We can identify your old jonsered chainsaw if you don’t know what it is. Tons of parts for the older all metal constructed models of jonsered. 50 51 52 52E 49sp 521 621 70E 80 90. We also have used chainsaw parts for newer turbo models and models from the 1980’s like 520 sp and 510 sp.
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jonsered 625, 630, 670 chainsaw complete chainbrake assembly (late model)

  Part: chainbrake, includes the clutch cover, hand guard, brake band, spring, mechanism Condition: good used/working order, some chipping on edges  Fits: late model (newer) Jonsereds 625, 630, 670 models

$79.95 - $0.00
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jonsered 525, 535 chainsaw brake bushing and screw

Part: chainbrake brake bushing and screw bolt 504 15 00-05, 725 53 33-55 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Jonsered 525, 535, 520sp and others

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jonsered 2045, 2050 turbo chainsaw chainbrake assembly

  Part: chainbrake, includes the clutch cover, brake band, hand guard, brake spring, chain tensioner adjuster screw and pin Condition: good used / working order Fits: Jonsered 2045 and 2050 turbo

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jonsered 510, 520, 455 + chainsaw chainbrake clutch cover assembly #1

Part: chainbrake, includes metal clutch cover, brake band, brake spring, brake handle 504 98 34-55 Condition: good used/working shape.  Fits: Jonsered 520sp, 510sp, 450, 455, 520, 525. 535

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Jonsered 2150 chainsaw chainbrake handle

  Brake handle, hand guard.  Jonsered part number 537 01 21-02   In good used shape   Fits Jonsered CS 2141, CS 2141, CS 2150

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jonsered 625, 630 chainsaw complete chainbrake assembly (early model)

  Part: chain brake - includes the clutch cover, hand guard, brake band, spring, mechanism part number: complete assembly 503 17 03-02 Condition: good used/working order. Fits: Jonsered 630 625 670 Series

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Jonsered 2171 Chainsaw Brake Handle 503 71 93-04 NEW (Loose)

  Hand guard, chainbrake brake handle. 503 71 93-04   NEW   Fits Jonsered 2065 2063 2071 2163 2165 2171 Turbo

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jonsered 910, 920, 930 chainsaw complete chainbrake assembly

  Part: chainbrake - includes the clutch cover, hand guard, brake band, spring, chain tensioner adjuster Condition: good used/working order,usable, minor cracking etc. about 1.5" still very solid. fits: Jonsered 910 920 930 

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Jonsered 2186 Chainsaw Hand Guard 537 19 57-01 NEW (JNAAB)

 Chainbrake chain brake handle, hand guard.  537 19 57-01, 537195701  NEW  Fits Jonsered CS 2186 2188 Turbo CS2186 CS2188

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jonsered 2054, 2055 turbo chainsaw chainbrake brake assembly

Part: chainbrake assembly - includes the hand guard, brake band, spring, mechanism   Part # 503 18 36-02 - includes: 503 84 58-01, 506 08 31-01, 503 18 96-01, 503 21 28-10, 506 08 32-01, 506 08 33-01 , 506 08 30-02, 506 08 34-01, 501 87 53-01, 506 08 30-02 Condition: good used/working shape Fi...

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Jonsered 2083 Chainsaw Chainbrake Mechanism

 Chainbrake with brake band, spring, actuator, and dust cover. May be black or red. 506 09 45 02, 503 40 81 01, 506 09 34 04  In good used shape  Fits Jonsered 2077 2083 Turbo

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Jonsered 455 Chainsaw late model chain brake assembly complete

  Complete late model chain brake hand guard assembly 503 11 94-01   In good used shape   Fits Jonsered 455 and others 525 535 450 520sp 520 sp

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jonsered 2036, 2040 turbo chainsaw chainbrake assembly

  Part: chainbrake - includes the clutch sprocket cover, hand guard handle, brake band, spring, chain tensioner adjuster Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Jonsered 2036, 2040 turbo

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Jonsered 2172 Chainsaw Chainbrake Handle 576 25 59-01 NEW (Bulky)

  Chainbrake brake handle, hand guard.  576 25 59-01   NEW   Fits Jonsered 2172, 2166 Turbo

$36.95 - $0.00
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Jonsered 2260 Turbo Chainsaw Chainbrake Handle 576 87 13-01 NEW (Bulky L1)

 Hand guard, chain brake handle. 576 87 13-01, 576871301  NEW  Fits Jonsered 2258 2260 Turbo

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Jonsered 2172 Chainsaw Chainbrake Handle

  Chainbrake brake handle, hand guard.  576 25 59-01   In good used shape   Fits Jonsered 2172, 2166 Turbo

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Jonsered 630 chainsaw old style brake handle and arm

  Brake handle and arm, hand guard. Jonsereds part number 503 17 09-01, 505 35 04-55   In good used shape   Fits older Jonsered 625, 630 and 670 series saws

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jonsered 670 chainsaw brake band and spring

  Part: brake band, spring and knee joint lever for the chainbrake 503 73 55-01, 503 71 71-01, 501 87 53-03 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Jonsered 670

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husqvarna 372, 371, 362, 365 and jonsered 2163, 2171chainsaw brake handle screw (371 bin)

  Part: brake arm bolt / screw Part # 503 20 25-12 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 371, 372, 365, 362 and Jonsered 2171, 2163

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jonsered 2036, 2040 turbo chainsaw chainbrake handle

  Part: chainbrake brake handle, hand guard 506 15 86-01 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Jonsered 2036, 2040 turbo

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jonsered 2045, 2050 turbo chainsaw chainbrake band kit

  Part: brake band with spring, knuckle, and small parts. 503 68 85-01, 501 87 54-01, 501 87 53-01, 503 60 69-01 Condition: good used / working order Fits: Jonsered 2045 and 2050 turbo

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(1 in stock)

Jonsered 490 Chainsaw Complete Chainbrake Assembly

  Complete chain brake clutch cover. 503 10 12-01   In good used shape   Fits Jonsered 490 and 590

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jonsered 361 chainsaw chainbrake clutch cover assembly

Part: chainbrake assembly. Includes the clutch cover, brake handle, band Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Jonsered 361 365

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jonsered 2054, 2055 turbo chainsaw chainbrake brake assembly

Part: chainbrake assembly - includes the, brake band, spring, mechanism, knuckle and dust cover. May be red or black depending on what we have available.   Part # 503 18 36-02 - includes: 503 84 58-01, 506 08 31-01, 503 18 96-01, 503 21 28-10, 506 08 32-01, 506 08 33-01 , 506 08 30-02, 501 87 53-...

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jonsered 510, 520, 455 + chainsaw chainbrake clutch cover assembly #3

Part: chainbrake, includes metal clutch cover, brake band, brake spring. 504 59 00-14, 504 98 34-53, 504 98 34-50, 504 98 34-54 Condition: good used/working shape. Has some chipping. Fits: Jonsered 520sp, 510sp, 450, 455, 520, 525. 535

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jonsered 2159 turbo chainsaw brake spring

  Part: brake spring for the chainbrake, part # 503 46 59-01 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: jonsered 2159 turbo

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Jonsered 630 chainsaw metal style brake handle arm guard used

  Brake handle arm guard metal    In good used shape   Fits older Jonsered 625, 630 and 670 series saws

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jonsered 490, 590 chainsaw brake arm lever

  Part: brake arm lever for the chainbrake Part # 503 10 09-01 Condition: good used/ working order Fits: Jonsered 490, 590

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jonsered 490, 590 chainsaw hand guard and brake band kit for the chainbrake

Part: hand guard handle with brake band/spring/levers Part #s 503 10 09-01, 505 26 93-04, 505 26 93-00, 505 30 38-36, 505 29 31-68 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Jonsereds 490, 590  

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(3 in stock)

jonsered 2171, 2071 turbo chainsaw chainbrake band, spring, and lever

Part: chain brake band, spring , lever and knee joint Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Jonsered 2171, 2071 Turbo

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jonsered 2051, 2054, 2055 turbo chainsaw chainbrake brake assembly #2

Part: chain brake assembly - includes the, arm, brake band, spring, mechanism, knuckle and dust cover. May be red or black depending on what we have available. Part # 503 18 36-02 - includes: 503 84 58-01, 506 08 31-01, 503 18 96-01, 503 21 28-10, 506 08 32-01, 506 08 33-01 , 506 08 30-02, 501 8...

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Jonsered CS2245 chainsaw hand guard new OEM 502 30 09-01 (Jons bulky)

chainbrake hand guard brake handle New old stock from closed out dealer. Dusty from years of storage. Fits: CS 2245 CS2250 CS 2250

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jonsered 2054, 2055 turbo chainsaw chainbrake brake assembly type 2

Part: chainbrake assembly - includes the hand guard, brake band, spring, mechanism   Part # 503 18 36-01 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Jonsered 2051, 2054, 2055 turbo (these models came with two different types of hand guards)

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Jonsered CS 2238 chainsaw chainbrake assembly

Chainbrake chain brake assembly. Includes clutch cover, brake band, tensioner and all in photo. Good used shape Fits Jonsered CS-2238 CS2238   CS 2234 CS-2234 CS2234 

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Jonsered CS-2186 Chainsaw brake band kit

Part: brake parts for the chainbrake - include the band (503 75 22-01) spring (503 70 99-01), arm (537 00 87-02), lever (501 87 53-02) Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Jonsered CS2186 CS 2186

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jonsered 2150, 2141, 2145 turbo chainsaw clutch cover with brake band #2

Part: clutch cover for chainbrake with brake band, spring, brake cover etc. Part # 503 99 70-01 Condition: good used/working shape. Some chips and gouges. See photos. Fits: Jonsered 2150, 2141, 2145, 2152, 2149, 2153, 2159, 2156 Turbo

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jonsered 625, 630, 670 chainsaw complete chainbrake assembly (late model) #2

  Part: chainbrake, includes the clutch cover, hand guard, brake band, spring, mechanism Condition: good used/working order, some chipping on edges and has a crack in the clutch cover. Fits: late model (newer) Jonsereds 625, 630, 670 models

$64.95 - $0.00
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jonsered 2054, 2055 turbo chainsaw chain brake kit

  Part: chainbrake hardware -brake arm, spring, clip, knee joint, lever and all in photo. Part #s 506 08 34-01, 735 31 08-20, 501 87 53-01 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Jonsered 2054, 2055 turbo

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jonsered 670 chainsaw brake band new 503 73 55-01 (J-02)

  Part: brake band 503 73 55-01 Condition: New from closed out dealer stock Fits: Jonsered 670, 630, 625

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Jonsered 49sp - 70e Chainsaw Braking Mechanism 504 96 34-07 NEW (P201)

 Chainbrake mechanism. 504 02 00-04 737 38 53-00 504 98 34-08 725 52 93-55 737 38 53-00 504 54 48-03 504 11 12-04 504 14 62-00 504 96 34-07 503 20 21-04 735 11 46-50 504 05 00-02 735 61 46-50 504 02 51-06 725 52 91-55 735 11 36-50  NEW from old dealer stock  Fits Jonsered 70e 66e 52e 521e 521ev ...

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Chainbrake assembly-cover, hand guard, brake band,spring dust cover, tensioner Part # 503-610610, 503610601 new old stock part from closed out dealer Fits Jonsereds 2045, 2050 

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jonsered 2150 chainsaw brake assembly 537 10 79-01 new oem (JN-AAB)

brake assembly-cover with band,spring, dust cover etc. Jonsereds part # 537-107901/ 537107901 new old stock part from closed out dealer FITS: JONSERED 2150, 2141, 2145, 2152, 2149, 2153, 2159, 2156 TURBO

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Jonsered 2095 Chainsaw Chainbrake Assembly 506 16 39-01 NEW

 Complete chainbrake assembly 506163901  NEW  Fits Jonsered 2094 2095 Turbo

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Jonsered 2095 Chainsaw Chainbrake Assembly For Parts or Repair

 Chain brake assembly with hand guard, clutch cover, and brake mechanism without brake band. 506 16 39-01  In good used shape.  Missing chainbrake band.  Fits Jonsered 2095 Turbo.  Some parts will interchange with 2094.

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Jonsered 2095 Chainsaw Clutch Cover

 Clutch cover only.  Does not include chainbrake, or brake mechanism parts.  In good used shape.  Some wear around where the brake handle pivots, but still functions fine.  Fits Jonsered 2095 Turbo.  Some parts will interchange with 2094.

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Jonsered 2095 Chainsaw Chainbrake Assembly

 Chain brake assembly with hand guard, clutch cover, and brake mechanism. 506 16 39-01  In good used shape  Fits Jonsered 2095 Turbo.  Some parts will interchange with 2094.

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Jonsered 361 Chainsaw Complete Chainbrake Assembly

  Complete late model chain brake assembly with  hand guard, and clutch cover.  475 839, 507 47 58-39   In good used shape   Fits Jonsered 361 365

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jonsered 630, 625, 670 chainsaw clutch cover with brake band, spring and mechanism (early model)

  Part: clutch cover with brake band spring and brake mechanism / arm for the chainbrake Condition: good used/working order Fits: early model (older) Jonsered 625, 630, 670 models

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jonsered 930 super chainsaw brake handle sleeves and hardware

  Part: hardware, sleeves for the chainbrake  Part# 505 26 93-04, 505 26 92-75 + Condition: good used/working order Fits: Jonsered 930 super

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(1 in stock)

jonsered 2077, 2083 turbo chainsaw brake bushing

Part: H bushing for the brake handle guard. Part # 503 23 45-02, 503 43 61-01 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Jonsered 2083, 2077 turbo

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jonsered 2071, 2171, 2063, 2163 turbo chainsaw chainbrake knee joint lever

  Part: knee joint lever for the chainbrae Part # 501 87 53-03 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Jonsered 2071, 2171, 2063, 2163 turbo

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jonsered 2159 turbo chainsaw brake lever

  Part: brake lever joint for the chainbrake, part # 503 89 08-02 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Jonsered 2150, 2141, 2145, 2152, 2149, 2153, 2159, 2156 Turbo

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jonsered 630, 670 chainsaw brake parts lot #2

  Part: parts for the chainbrake Condition: good used/working shape Fits: old style (early model) Jonsered 630, 670 chainsaws

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jonsered 630, 670 chainsaw brake parts lot #1

  Part: parts for the chainbrake - includes the spring, knee joint and lever, bolts. Condition: good used/working shape Fits: older model (early) jonsered 630, 670 chainsaws

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jonsered 52, 52e chainsaw chainbrake

  Part: chainbrake, brake handle with brake mechanism Fits: Jonsered 52, 52E Condition: good used/working shape

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jonsered 451 e ev chainsaw brake shoe casing

Part: brake shoe casing part for the chainbrake Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Jonsered 451 E EV

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Jonsered CS 2238 chainsaw chainbrake brake link

Part: brake link part handguard spring cap and spring 545 07 13-01 545 07 12-01 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: CS-2238 CS2238  CS2238S CS 2234 CS-2234 CS2234 CS2234S

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jonsered 2150, 2141, 2145 turbo chainsaw clutch cover with brake band #3

Part: clutch cover for chainbrake with brake band, spring, brake cover etc. Part # 503 99 70-01 Condition: good used/working shape. Has a small hole. Fits: Jonsered 2150, 2141, 2145, 2152, 2149, 2153, 2159, 2156 Turbo

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Jonsered 455 Chainsaw late model chain brake assembly complete #4

  Complete late model chain brake hand guard assembly 503 11 94-01   In good used shape. Top is missing some bits. See photos.   Fits Jonsered 455 and others 525 535 450 520sp 520 sp

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Jonsered 455 Chainsaw late model chain brake assembly complete #2

  Complete late model chain brake hand guard assembly 503 11 94-01   In good used shape. Brake band shows some wear. Note, we have a few of these, picuture is for reference only.   Fits Jonsered 455 and others 525 535 450 520sp 520 sp

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(2 in stock)

Jonsered 370 Chainsaw Chainbrake Assembly

 Clutch cover chain brake assembly with band, mechanism, and hand guard. 507 476451, 507 47 64-51  In good used shape   Fits Jonsered 370 380

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jonsered 621 chainsaw filler plug part # 504 11 12-02

Part: filler / plug, which is inserted where the chainbrake is installed. Part # 504 11 12-02 Condition: good used/working shape Fits:  Jonsereds 621

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jonsered 2054, 2055 turbo chainsaw brake spring, lever, arm +

  Part: chainbrake hardware -brake arm, spring, clip, knee joint and lever. Part #s 506 08 34-01, 735 31 08-20, 501 87 53-01 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Jonsered 2054, 2055 turbo

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jonsered 2041, 2045, 2050 turbo chainsaw brake cover

  Part: chainbrake dust cover with screws Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Jonsered 2041, 2045, 2050 Turbo

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jonsered 2041, 2050, 2045 turbo chainsaw brake joint and lever

  Part: chainbrake joint and levers Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Jonsered 2041, 2045, 2050 Turbo

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jonsered 2041, 2045, 2050 turbo chainsaw brake tension spring

  Part: brake spring Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Jonsered 2041, 2045, 2050 Turbo
