Lots of used husqvarna chainsaw parts on hand here. Tons of husqvarna chainsaw parts for older models like 266 262 272 50 51 55 254 and many other models of older husqvarna chainsaw.
Husqvarna 261 Chainsaw Chain catcher
Plastic chain catcher 501 68 68-01 In good used shape Fits 261, 262xp, 262 xp, 257 and others

Husqvarna 65L Chainsaw Flywheel Pawl kit
Flywheel pawls with springs and guides. 501 42 13-01, 501 40 16-01, 501 40 23-02 In good used shape Fits Husqvarna 65 L and others

Husqvarna 154 Chainsaw Muffler Deflector
Muffler exhaust guide. 501 79 91-01 In good used shape Fits Husqvarna 154se, 154sg, 154 se sg and others

Husqvarna 357xpg Chainsaw Heated Top Handle
Top half wrap handle for heated handles 503 92 99-02 In good used shape Fits Husqvarna 357 XPG

husqvarna 395, 372 + chainsaw screw 503 20 34-19
Part: starter cover screw Part# 503 20 34 19 Condition: good used shape Fits: Husqvarna 395, 385, 372, 351, 359

Husqvarna 385xp Chainsaw Air Filter Cover
Air filter cover 537 00 10 01 Faded, in usable condition Fits Husqvarna 385 xp
(1 in stock)

Husqvarna 372xp Chainsaw Clutch Mechanism 503 74 44-01 NEW (misc W)
Clutch assembly with shoes, carrier and springs. 503 74 44 01 New AFTERMARKET part Fits Husvarna 362, 365 Special, 365xp, 371, 372 XP, 371xp, 372xp. Jonsered 2063 2065 2071 2163 2165 2171 Turbo

Husqvarna 435 Chainsaw clutch cover
Clutch cover chainbrake assembly 501 38 82-01 In good used shape Fits Husqvarna 435

Husqvarna 335xpt Chainsaw Shortblock Piston and Cylinder
38mm bore shortblock piston and cylinder with crankcase and crankshaft. 503 79 23-02, 503 84 53-71 In excellent used condition Fits Husqvarna 335 xpt

Husqvarna 357xpg Chainsaw Fuel Tank Assy. for Heated Handles
Complete rear trigger handle, gas tank assembly for XPG models with heated handles. 503 92 30-71 In good used shape Fits Husqvarna 359 357 xp xpg

Husqvarna Practica 61 Chainsaw Clutch Cover Only 501 43 49-01
Plastic clutch cover only 501 53 49-01 Some chain wear and small cracks as pictured Fits Older Husqvarna 61 series and 162
(1 in stock)

Husqvarna 41 Chainsaw Fuel Tank Vent 530 02 98-68 NEW (A588)
Fuel tank vent plug 530-029868 NEW dusty from years of storage. Fits Husqvarna 36 41 136 141 and others
(1 in stock)

Husqvarna 288XP Chainsaw Top Handle 501 80 75-05 NEW
Half wrap top handle. Husqvarna part number 501 80 75 05 New AFTERMARKET part Fits Husqvarna 181 288 281 XP SE SG Lite etc.

Husqvarna 23 C Chainsaw Starter Pulley 530 06 92-88 NEW (A588)
Starter rewind recoil pulley. Part number 530-069288 New OEM part Fits Husqvarna 23 Compact, and many poulan models
(2 in stock)

Husqvarna Bolt 530 01 60-37 NEW (H-51)
Cap head bolt 530016037 NEW

Husqvarna 65 L Chainsaw 3-pawl Flywheel and Starter Pawls
Part: Flywheel and starter pawls Condition: Good used/working shape. Fits: Husqvarna 65 77 L

Husqvarna 137 Chainsaw Starter pulley 530 07 19-66 NEW (Box 510)
Starter pulley rope spool for EZ-start systems. Husqvarna part number 530-071966 NEW Aftermarket part Fits Husqvarna 137, 142

Husqvarna 65L Chainsaw Large Size Rubber Buffer Mount Kit
Large size, late model, handle AV rubber buffer mounts, with sleeve. In good used shape Fits Husqvarna 65l, 77l, 65 77 L
(3 in stock)

Husqvarna 65l Chainsaw muffler only (front spark arrestor type)
Muffler only In good used shape, dented Fits Husqvarna 65L, 77L
(2 in stock)

Husqvarna 181 Chainsaw intake manifold
Intake manifold block 501 80 66-01 In good used shape Fits Husqvarna 181 SE SG

Husqvarna 281 Chainsaw Carburetor bolt set
Carb bolt set. Husqvarna part number 503 20 21-06 In good used shape Fits Husqvarna 181 281 288 XP, XP Lite, SE, SG
(1 in stock)
Husqvarna 288 Chainsaw muffler bolt set
Muffler bolts Husqvarna part# 725 53 88-55, 503 20 02-16, 725 53 42-55 In good used shape. May have some surface rust. Fits Husqvarna 281, 288, 288xp

husqvarna 445, 450 chainsaw crankshaft assembly
Part: crankshaft assembly with: crank, rod, rod bearings, main bearings, and seals. Part # 544 06 19-01 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 445, 450
(2 in stock)

Husqvarna 288 chainsaw clutch sprocket drum
Sprocket drum with bearing and rim. 3/8-8 tooth rim is new. Husqvarna part number 501 59 78-01 In good used shape, with new rim installed Fits Husqvarna 288, 281, 181 XP lite etc.

husqvarna 272 xp chainsaw clutch sprocket cover only 503 57 29-01 NEW (H-1000)
Clutch chainbrake brake cover only. Husqvarna part number 503 57 29-01 New old stock part. Fits Husqvarna 272xp, 268, 61 (up to SN#4500001)

husqvarna 480 chainsaw muffler front only
Part: muffler cover front Part # 501 60 25-01 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 480 285 2100 and some other models
(1 in stock)

husqvarna 262, 254, 257 chainsaw deflector shield with screws
Part: shield / deflector and screws for the crankcase Part # 503 54 37-01, 724 33 25-56 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 254, 257, 262

husqvarna 154, 254 chainsaw piston and cylinder set
Part: cylinder and piston with ring, wrist pin, bearing, clips. 503 50 39-03 Condition: good used/working order, came off a saw with good compression, no breaks Fits: Husqvarna 154 and 254 SE SG XP 254xp

husqvarna 242, 42, 246 chainsaw starter recoil cover only
Part: starter housing cover Part # 501 79 43-02 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 42, 242, 246

husqvarna 154, 254, 257 chainsaw filter mount only
Part: air filter holder mount Part # 501 86 42-01 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 154, 254, 257

husqvarna 335xpt, 338xpt chainsaw starter rewind spring
Part: starter rewind spring Part # 501 76 31-01 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 335 and 338 xpt
(2 in stock)

husqvarna 36, 41 chainsaw carburetor grommet sleeve
Part: carb grommet final Part # 530-037466 / 530037466 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 36, 41

husqvarna 51, 55 chainsaw lot of assorted hardware
Part: lot of misc. hardware- screws, muffler bolts Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 51, 55
husqvarna 2100 cd chainsaw top cover and filter cover set
Part: top cover and filter cover set Part # 501 55 95-05, 501 61 44-01 Condition: good used/working order. Fits: Husqvarna 2100cd 285cd 285 cd and others

husqvarna 480cd chainsaw top cover #1
Part: top cover shroud Condition: hole in cover as pictured, in usable condition Fits: Husqvarna 480 cd

husqvarna 35 chainsaw complete spur clutch assembly
Part: spur sprocket drum with mechanism (shoes, springs, carrier) bearing and washers Part # 507 10 05-40, 507 10 05-51, 507 10 10-59, 507 10 01-51 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 35 and some other models

Husqvarna 385xp chainsaw oil pump only
Oil pump only. Husqvarna part number 503 52 13-02 In good used shape Fits Husqvarna 385 xp and others

husqvarna 44, 444 chainsaw clutch cover with brake parts
Part: clutch sprocket cover with brake band, springs, lever for the chainbrake Part#s 501 82 83-02, 501 82 84-01, 501 76 49-01 Condition: good used/working order. Upper corner chipped off. Fits: Husqvarna 44, 444

husqvarna 570, 575xp chainsaw chainbrake kit
Part: chainbrake kit - includes the brake hand guard, brake cover, spring, band, bolts, links Part # 537 20 27-01, 537 20 90-01, 537 20 28-01, 501 87 53-04, 503 43 65-01, 537 21 07-01, 503 70 99-01, 503 75 22-02, 537 20 32-01 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 570, 575xp
(1 in stock)

husqvarna 266 chainsaw starter pulley and rewind spring set
Part: starter pulley drum with rewind spring Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 266

husqvarna 357xp, 359 chainsaw fuel tank rear trigger handle assembly #2
Part: fuel tank with 2 av spring mounts, fuel cap, fuel line, and tank vent Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 357 xp, 359

husqvarna 450, 445 chainsaw throttle trigger with cable
Part: throttle trigger lever with cable, safety interlock, handle filler and spring Part #s 544 09 97-01, 504 09 88-01, 504 09 99-01 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 450, 445

husqvarna 288 chainsaw muffler kit complete with bolts, bracket, shield
Part: muffler with bolts, bracket 503 59 15-01 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 288xp, 288 XP lite, 281, 181 SE SG

husqvarna 35 chainsaw clutch cover with brake arm and band
Part: clutch cover housing with brake arm, mechanism Part # 507 43 29-39, 501 71 97-01, 504 35 08-54, 504 35 08-54 Condition: good used/working order. Some minor chipping. Fits: Husqvarna 35

husqvarna 35 chainsaw tank cap only
Part: (1) fuel or oil (interchangeable) tank cap only, Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 35 33

husqvarna 285 chainsaw av buffer mount
Part: av buffer mount for the tank Part # 501 26 97-02 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 285

husqvarna 350 chainsaw lot of assorted hardware
Part: lot of misc. hardware- bolts, screws, bumper (includes everything pictured) Condition: good used/working order Fits: came off a Husqvarna 350, will also fit 340 and 345

husqvarna 335 xpt chainsaw 38mm cylinder
Part: 38mm cylinder head Condition: good used/working order. No breaks or scoring Fits: Husqvarna 335xpt

Husqvarna 371 chainsaw 50mm piston
50mm piston with ring, wrist pin, and bearing. 503 69 12-71 In good usable shape Fits Husqvarna 371, 371XP. Jonsered 2071

Husqvarna 323C trimmer starter assembly
Starter recoil assembly 503 87 33-02 In good used shape Fits Husqvarna 323 C and possibly others location 335 xpt bin

husqvarna 238se chainsaw clutch mechanism
Part: clutch mechanism (shoes, carrier, springs Part # 501 63 60-03 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 238 se

husqvarna 235 chainsaw piston, cylinder and crank assembly
Part: piston and cylinder with crankshaft, rod, spring mount Condition: good used/working order, came off a saw with good compression, no breaks Fits: Husqvarna 235
(4 in stock)

husqvarna 51, 55 chainsaw clutch sprocket drum only
Part: rim type clutch sprocket - drum only part# 503 72 60-01 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 51, 55

husqvarna 254 chainsaw top cover bolt set of 3
Part: set of 3 top cover bolts / screws Part # 503 20 32-28 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 254, 262, 257, 261
(4 in stock)

husqvarna 3120, 395 chainsaw starter rewind spring new pn 503 13 50-01 (box h-49)
Part: starter recoil spring Part # 501 13 50 01 Condition: new, packaging may vary and be dirty from years of storage Fits: Husqvarna 3120, 395 3120xp 395xp and some Partner cut off saw models
husqvarna 575xp chainsaw starter recoil cover only
Part: starter housing cover Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 575 576 xp, 570, 576xp

husqvarna 346xp, 340, 345, 350, 351 chainsaw Walbro HDA196 carburetor with filter mount, choke, switch intake boot and bolts
Part: Walbro HDA 196 carburetor with control panel - filter mount, switch, choke, bolts, and intake boot Part #s 503 28 16-14, 503 86 96-01, 503 86 95-01, 503 86 64-01 Fits Husqvarna models 340, 345, 350, 346, 351 from before 2008 The carburetors for the above models were replaced...

husqvarna 42, 42 special chainsaw chainbrake assembly
Part: chainbrake - includes the clutch sprocket cover, hand guard, brake band, spring, cover Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 42

husqvarna 350 chainsaw case to engine bolt set of 4
Part: set of 4 bolts/ screws (case to engine) Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 350

husqvarna 281, 288 chainsaw oil pump new replaces pn 503 69 80-01 (box h-1)
Part: oil pump oiler Replaces Part # 503 69 81 01 Condition: new, after-market part Fits: Husqvarna 281, 288

husqvarna 235, 236, 240 chainsaw switch lever assembly
Part: switch lever with spring screw Part # 545 06 17-01 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 235, 236, 240
(4 in stock)

husqvarna 351 chainsaw oil pump only
Part: oil pump oiler Part # 503 89 17-02 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Husqvarna 351 346xp
(2 in stock)

Husqvarna 1100 chainsaw piston assembly 56mm HU0013 (Box Z)
Piston w/ rings, wrist pin, and clips Husqvarna Part Number 501 29 11-04, 501291104 A,B,C cylinders New aftermarket part Fits Husqvarna 1100CD, 1100 CD and others

Husqvarna 350 crankcase tank chassis with crank
Husqvarna 350 crankcase tank chassis good used working condition fits husqvarna 350 crank PN# 503 85 80-71 Bearing cup PN# 503 88 59-01 Crankcase PN# 537 17 20-03

husqvarna 61 chainsaw early model tillotson hs 260a carburetor with mount, bolts, manifold kit
Part: carb kit -includes tillotson HS260a carburetor with filter mount, intake manifold, screws, gaskets Condition: good used physical shape, may need a carb rebuild kit Fits: early model (older) Husqvarna 61 models

Husqvarna 353 chainsaw starter assembly
Part: starter recoil cover with pulley, rewind spring, grip Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 353

husqvarna 272xp, 268 chainsaw inner air filter, filter base and clip set
Part: inner air filter with filter base mount and set of 4 clips Part # 503 44 67-01, 503 44 68-01 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 268, 272 xp
(2 in stock)

husqvarna 266 chainsaw cylinder head bolts
Part: set of 4 bolts for the cylinder head Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 266, 61

husqvarna 445, 450, 450e, 445e chainsaw oil pump and gear assembly
Part: oil pump oiler with hose and drive gear Part #s 503 93 18-01, 503 93 21-01, 537 15 48-01, 544 08 42-01 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 445, 450, 445e, 450e, 435 435 e

husqvarna 445, 450, 445e, 450e chainsaw throttle assembly pn 544 14 82-01
Part: throttle rod / housing assembly Part # 544 14 82 01 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 445, 450, 445e, 450e

husqvarna 445, 450, 445e, 450e chainsaw cylinder av spring mount
Part: cylinder av spring mount / isolator Part # 503 89 83-01 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 445, 450, 445e, 450e, 435

husqvarna 445, 450, 445e, 450e chainsaw intake manifold boot and base assembly
Part: intake boot / inlet pipe with base Part # 544 08 38-01, 544 08 23-01 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 445, 450, 445e, 450e
(1 in stock)

husqvarna 445, 450, 445e, 450e chainsaw muffler
Part: muffler only Part # 544 14 77-01 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 445, 450, 445e, 450e

husqvarna 266, 268, 61, 272 chainsaw hand guard handle (late model)
Part: hand guard handle for the chainbrake Condition: good used/working order Fits: late model (newer) Husqvarna 266, 61, 268, 272 models

husqvarna 262 xp chainsaw muffler bolts and gasket set
Part: muffler bolt set and exhaust gasket Part # 725 53 87-55 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 262 xp
(1 in stock)

husqvarna 357xp, 359 chainsaw bar stud set
Part: set of bar studs / bolts Part # 503 30 67-01 Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 357 xp, 359

husqvarna 154 chainsaw walbro hda 18a carburetor
Part: walbro HDA-18a carburetor Condition: good used physical shape. May need a carb rebuild kit Fits: Husqvarna 154

husqvarna 254 chainsaw rubber bushing
Part: bushing Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 254

husqvarna 372xpg chainsaw handle bar for heated handles
Part: top handle bar for heated handles, may be Jonsered black grip Condition: good used/working order - has some electrical repair tape around one of the wires Fits: Husqvarna 372 371 XPG 371xpg, 2171W

husqvarna 2100 chainsaw air filter cover and nut
Part: air filter cover with nut Part # 501 55 98-05 / 501 55 95-05 Condition: good used/working shape, plastic is faded Fits: Husqvarna 2100
husqvarna 385xp chainsaw lot of assorted hardware
Part: lot of misc. hardware Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 385 xp

husqvarna 254 chainsaw exhaust spacer gasket
Part: muffler exhaust spacer gasket (metal and thicker than regular gasket Condition: good used/working order Fits: Husqvarna 254

husqvarna 51, 55 chainsaw clutch cover only
Part: clutch sprocket guard cover Part # 503 49 32-01 Condition: has some melting/blackened sections of back of cover. In solid, working order Fits: Husqvarna 51, 55

husqvarna 36, 41, 136, 141 chainsaw throttle trigger
Part: throttle trigger lever Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Husqvarna 136, 141, 36, 41

husqvarna 346 xp chainsaw 42mm piston and cylinder kit (Pre 2008)
Part: piston and cylinder with ring, wrist pin, bearing, keeper clip set Condition: good used/working shape. Came off a saw with good compression, no breaks. Fits: pre 2008 (before 2008) husqvarna 346xp models

husqvarna 272 xp chainsaw clutch sprocket cover only pn 503 57 29-01 (up to 4500001)
Part: clutch cover Condition: good used/working shape. Has a minor crack on one of the back edges. Fits: some models of Husqvarna 272 xp

husqvarna 181 chainsaw old style brake hand guard, band and hardware kit for the chainbrake
Part: hand guard handle, brake band, spring, thumb bolt, brake bolts, lever Part # 725 52 93-56, 501 82 43-01, 501 80 86-01, 501 82 44-01, 501 61 17-01, 501 82 32-01, 501 48 09-01, 503 15 12-01, 501 83 02-01, 501 76 87-01 Condition: good used/woking shape Fits: old style/ early Husqvarna 181 m...

husqvarna 51, 55 chainsaw brake spring pn 506 16 48-01
Part: brake spring Part # 506 16 48 01 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Husqvarna 51, 55

husqvarna 51, 55 chainsaw brake hand guard and band kit
Part: brake kit - includes the hand guard handle, band, spring, bolt set, dust cover, knee joint lever Part #s 501 87 53-01, 503 71 87-01, 501 87 54-01, 501 87 47-01, 501 76 81-01, 501 76 80-01, 501 87 48, Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Husqvarna 51, 55

husqvarna 136 chainsaw cylinder
Part: cylinder Condition: good used/working shape. Has a very small/minor crack on top fin Fits: Husqvarna 136
(1 in stock)

husqvarna 340 chainsaw starter cover and pulley assembly
Part: starter recoil fan housing cover with pulley, rewind spring, grip Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Husqvarna 340

husqvarna 394 chainsaw starter recoil cover and pulley assembly
Part: starter fan housing cover with pulley, rewind spring Part # 503 46 24-01 (503 46 25-01, 501 89 67-02, 503 13 50-01) Condition: good used/working shape. Heavy rope wear at starter rope ferrule Fits: Husqvarna 394, 394xp, 394 395 xp,
(3 in stock)

husqvarna 50 51, 55 chainsaw muffler and bracket type 1 501 76 66-02 (FG)
Part: muffler with support bracket (501 76 88-02). Type not equipped to take a spark arrester screen. Condition: good used/working shape Fits: husqvarna 50 51 55
(1 in stock)

husqvarna 141 chainsaw starter fan housing cover only
Part: starter recoil housing cover only Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Husqvarna 141

husqvarna 340, 345, 350 chainsaw intake manifold boot only pn 503 86 63 01
Part: intake manifold boot Part # 503 86 63-01 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Husqvarna 340, 345, 350
(1 in stock)

husqvarna 357xpg chainsaw starter recoil cover and pulley assembly
Part: starter fan housing cover with pulley and rewind spring Part # 503 93 06-03 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Husqvarna 357 xpg

husqvarna 65l and 77l chainsaw starter housing cover
Part: starter / recoil fan housing cover Part # 501 43 02-01 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Husqvarna 65 L and 77 L
(1 in stock)

husqvarna 65l and 77l chainsaw starter bushing cup
Part: starter bushing cup Part # 501 40 27-01 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Husqvarna 65 L, 77 L
(1 in stock)

husqvarna 136, 141 chainsaw 3/8 x6 LP clutch sprocket assembly
Part: clutch assembly - includes 3/8 x 6 LP spur sprocket drum with mechanism (spring, carrier and shoes) bearing and washer Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Husqvarna 136, 141, 142