Part: Fuel tank 25143, 530025143, 530-025143, 530010772, 530-010772 10772 Condition: Good used/working condition with no breaks or leaks Fits: Craftsman 2.3 and others
Part: fuel tank Condition: good used/working shape with no breaks or leaks Fits: Roper built Sears Craftsman 3.7 chainsaws with model numbers: 917.353770, 917.353771, 917.353730. May also fit other models.
Rear handle tank assembly with cap, trigger parts, and throttle cable 530-014760 In good used shape Fits Poulan and Craftsman chainsaws.
Part: fuel tank rear trigger handle with throttle trigger, safety and bar stud set Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Poulan built 42cc, 18" model # 358. 350670 Craftsman chainsaws