stihl 031 av chainsaw guide bar stud/bolt set
Part: set of bar studs/screws. PN 1110 664 2400 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Stihl 031 032 av 031av 032av

stihl 044, ms440chainsaw carburetor stud set
Part: carb bolt / collar screw set. PN 1128 122 6606 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Stihl 044, ms440

stihl 045, 056 av chainsaw bolt set for the case
Part: set of case bolts Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Stihl 045, 056 av
(2 in stock)

stihl 024, 026 av chainsaw bar stud set
Part: set of collar studs / bolts Part # 0000 953 6605 Condition: good used/working order Fits: stihl 024, 026 av MS270 MS 270 066

stihl ms170 chainsaw chassis to engine bolt set of 4
Part: 4 bolts, for the chassis to engine Condition: good used/working order Fits: Stihl ms 170

stihl 028 chainsaw bar stud and nut set
Part: set of bar studs / bolts and nuts Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Stihl 028
(1 in stock)

stihl 034 chainsaw bar stud
collar stud / bolt Part # 0000 953 6605 Condition: good used/working order Fits: stihl 024, 026 av , 034, 036, 038, MS270 MS 270 440 044 MS440

stihl 041 chainsaw bolt set for the case
Part: set of case bolts Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Stihl 041 farm boss
(1 in stock)

stihl ms270 chainsaw carburetor stud set 1133 122 6600
Part: carb bolt / collar screw set. PN 1133-122-6600 Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Stihl MS 270