solo 670, 680 chainsaw manifold gasket pn 2061410 new (solo box 2)
Part: intake gasket Part # 20 61 410 Condition: new. Dusty from years of storage. Fits: Solo 670, 680 Location: Solo Box 2 (variety bin)

solo 670, 680 chainsaw carb manifold gasket pn 2061411 new (solo bin 2)
Part: carburetor intake gasket Part # 20 61 411 Condition: new. Dusty from years of storage. Fits: Solo 670, 680 Location: Solo Box 2 (variety bin)

solo gasket pn 0510218 new (solo box 1)
Part: gasket Part # 05 10 218 Condition: new old stock OEM part. Dirty/dust from years of storage Location: solo box 1
(2 in stock)

solo 410 blower sprayer gasket pn 4400164 new (solo box 1)
Part: gasket Part # 44 00 164 Condition: new old stock OEM part. Dirty/dust from years of storage Location: Solo box 1
(1 in stock)

solo 634 chainsaw intake gasket
Part: intake gasket Condition: good used/working order Fits: Solo 634

solo 410 blower sprayer gasket pn 2061164 new (solo box 1)
Part: carburetor gasket Part # 20 61 164 Condition: new old stock OEM part. Dirty/dust from years of storage Location: Solo box 1

solo 410 blower sprayer gasket pn 4400160 new (solo box 1)
Part: gasket Part # 44 00 160 Condition: new old stock OEM part. Dirty/dust from years of storage Location: Solo box 1
(1 in stock)

solo 639 chainsaw crank bearing gasket
Part: gasket-fits around the crank bearings Condition: good used/working shape Fits: Solo 639